· By Scott Pollak
Epilepsy/Seizures-Causes, Predisposing Factors and Treatment
Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M.
"Holistic & traditional approaches to support the best of animal health."
Epilepsy is a non-diagnosis. It is a term used to mean "fits" (or seizures) due to unknown reasons. The term epilepsy is used when available laboratory tests cannot account for the abnormal clinical signs. Causes of seizures are very often not known, but can be due to metabolic abnormalities, low calcium in lactating animals, and low sugar in puppies and kittens, toxins (internal or external), tumors, central nervous system inflammation, injury, malformations, and food poisonings. Most commonly, seizures in younger and middle-aged animals are due to parasites combined with a poor diet.
Seizures arise when a localized area of brain activity is allowed to resonate through the rest of the brain unchecked by normal inhibitory mechanisms. This results in waves of uncontrolled nervous/electrical discharge migrating throughout the Central Nervous System (CNS) affecting the entire biological system.
An active electrical network surrounds the physical body in all sentient beings. The CNS is constantly generating this network; this is the subtlest functioning of the DNA relationship. This non-physical energy of the relationship of matter resonates with the electrical fields of all other resonating bodies. When there is some threat; real or otherwise, the electrical system responds by either short-circuiting or overloading to some degree. This is a signal to the physical body to respond. If the body does not succeed, the imbalance is physically manifested. These cues help gear the body to the anticipated threat. Frictionless flow between the body and its electrical field allows for ideal responses to the changing environment. When the physical body is incapable of an adequate response, symptoms of disease become manifest. A seizure is an obvious instance of electrical overloading, without the appropriate physical response.
During seizures, the electrical body cries out with unrelenting fervor in its attempt to maintain its flow with the surroundings. In the electrical mode of operation, it is all or nothing, and as a result, the electrical body must shut down the senses and deal with the internal surges of its own imbalance. Another way to look at this is that the chemical imbalances of the physical body are so disturbed that it is asking too much of the electrical body to compensate. The result is massive discharge, shut down, and restarting. This is likened to rebooting a computer to fix all sorts of problems or, in a more normal pattern, the cycle of sleeping. Every night it is necessary to refresh and restart the system for another day. The unconfined surges of seizures need to quickly be stabilized by periods of deep rest. If this is not possible, due to continued seizures, the system breaks down.
Seizures often begin with an "aura" or a period of reduced awareness of the environment, followed by some pattern of muscular discharge seen as muscle spasms. This period can last several seconds or minutes and can be accompanied with urination or defecation. After this period, there is usually some fatigue, either mild or severe, depending on the duration of muscular contractions. Almost always, the seizures subside within one to two minutes. Repeated seizure episodes are deadly, as they are extremely exhausting and rapidly drain the needed
Abnormalities seen lingering after the seizure period often give an indication of the source area of the CNS involved; if there is one. Dragging of a leg, falling over to one side, head tilt or asymmetric ataxia (
In the vast majority of cases, the cause of seizures is not known and there is no source area. Seizures are serious clinical signs. Awareness of the environment and body is lost, a serious aberration of normal function. The internal
Rather than having a specific cause, seizures are most commonly due to a combination of factors that build up and inhibit minimal acceptable functioning. The cause of seizures can be attributed to chemical imbalances and chemical deficiencies of one kind or another. The complexity involved in pinpointing the imbalance(s) in each individual case is beyond analysis capabilities at this time, as the imbalance is usually transient and slight. As metabolic parameters go beyond acceptable values; the electrical body can no longer sustain itself in its normal relationship to the environment.
The most common direct cause of seizures seen in clinical practice in our pets is a parasitic infection combined with nutritional deficiencies based on 100% commercial pet food feeding.
The most common major factors that layer upon each other and predispose the nervous system to seizures are: Parasites along with the extensive feeding of a solely commercial pet food diet, along with over-vaccination, and over-treatment of chemical-based medicines.
These four factors, not only severely weaken the
The poor diet in these pets predisposes the body to seizures due to the migrating larvae (
The weakened health of our pets strives to maintain balance in an adverse environment of nutritional lack and over-chemical stimulation. Nature responds to this limping health by producing signs of disease:
- Recurrent
gastro-intestinal and skin problems -
chronic worm loads with poor long term responses todeworming remedies -
allergies - severe over-reactivity to all kinds of harmless environmental substances -
deep rooted behavioral problems
Today's modern approach to dealing with these problems is the administration of more chemicals, injectable or otherwise, and even greater processed "prescription" diets. Seizures are masked by giving chemicals that profoundly dull the CNS, slowing it down and confusing it to reduce the likelihood of another seizure. These chemicals often do not work and further confuse the biological system. The underlying imbalance is not directly addressed. Deranged metabolic disorders due to chemical shortages or imbalances are superficially addressed by further limitations in the diet; i.e., even more severely processed foods. These efforts, though well intended, are short-sighted and short-lived. After a brief period of lessened clinical signs, the system re-stabilizes at a lower level of health due to the continued lack of essential raw materials. This results, at best, in the recurrence of the disease and, at worst, in a deeper set of symptoms ("another" disease that is really the same disease) or death.
Feeding a natural raw food diet and treating for intestinal worms, especially targeting whipworms (Trichuris sp.) and tapeworms (including both kinds of tapeworms, Dipylidium caninum and Taenia pisiformis) will often eliminate seizures in our pets. These treatments, to be effective, must be done at least twice for tapeworms at
Natural treatments for worm removal will be more effective as the animal's
Feeding a natural, raw food diet is vital to maintaining the health of your pet, and to keeping ideal immune function alive and well. Many times after eliminating seizures through improving the diet, seizures return after commercial pet food is re-instituted. Genetic and physical predisposition to seizures become expressed when poor diets can't provide essential raw materials.
Once the pet is on a natural food diet and some prolonged attempt is made to limit the parasitic loads, natural herbs, and foods can be given. Internal cleansing using honey, with or without sesame seeds, and
Seizures are very serious and can be life threatening. They are also an indication of deep-rooted imbalances in the core structure (CNS) of the living system. Chemical treatments given; designed to dull and suppress the system so as to reduce the likelihood of continued seizures without addressing the deeper issues discussed here, is a short-sighted, superficial approach that only furthers chemical dependence and more confused and deranged biological functioning.
The two approaches (chemical and natural material support) can go hand in hand if the understanding and the power of nature are not yet fully appreciated. Nature will wait and is