· By Scott Pollak
Had Enough of The Nonsense?
Each day, new seekers reach out to me after spending time and money on prescription diets, specialty diets, and medications, just to mention a few items, just wanting to ease their pets’ pain and get them back onto the road to health.
What will it take for you to reach that point? Why wait? Don’t let your pet fade away little by little; rather boost them today. Here is an easy, proven way to move it along.
Start by adding some digestive enzymes, our UNLEASH is by far the most concentrated probiotic and enzyme supplement out there. Then the next step can be for you to add some WELLNESS everyday supplement to their existing diet and give that a few weeks while cutting back around 15-20% of volume in their daily feed.
Now for the good stuff, add some raw meat into their daily feed
When you reach a 50/50 proportion, of their diet and raw, around 3 or 4 days into the program, switch their existing food to Viand as you have already started seeing positive changes in their demeanor, focus, and energy just by making the simple transition.
Once you decide to include Viand into their everyday diet, please maintain a portion of raw meat to add that “natural” live ingredients as this is what hey have been designed to eat.
So, why wait, start them to a healthier life today.