· By Scott Pollak
What's Going On...Another Pet Food Recall?
I’ve been subscribed to yahoo news for years now, I receive daily news pertaining to the pet world. Today there was an article about how pet food has now reached $21 billion and the choices are more varied than ever and immediately following that article was another article describing how another major pet food recall was just announced.
So, I guess bigger, isn’t always better. It’s clear that as the big guys are either swallowing up the smaller guys and they are putting the little ones out of business, just by their massive corporate presence.
As many of us have turned to adding various food product (raw, leftovers, veggies) into our pets daily diet, we know that’s the least we can do, huh? Least? How about doing more with less? Sounds like a plan, by us feeding better quality food, we actually feed less volume (as better food is more nutritious and is better absorbed) we actually allow our pets' biological systems to be more efficient, thereby allowing them to exhibit greater levels of vitality. Boy, that was a mouthful…get it, mouthful!
Remember, garbage in, garbage out, lots of garbage in, lots of garbage comes out, BUT lots stay in resulting in larger, slower animals. So, let’s give our four legged friends a break and remember that less is best and quality counts.