· By Scott Pollak
Danger Foods For Your Pet During The Holidays
Holiday season is upon us and though we know our pets really well, how well do we know our relatives! Kidding aside, as our relatives and friends descend upon us this season, we must be sure that they don’t treat Fido to people treats. Most of us know about raisins, chocolate and onions, not that they would be on the coffee table to nibble on, but nonetheless let’s place candy out of reach for our pets. Avoid placing candy on the coffee table or end tables where dogs can get them and be sure to put away the packages back in the cupboard after you filled the bowl.
We’re all very busy having a great time, so be mindful of your pets needs as well. If your dog gets a bit hyper with a house full of people, you may want to seek some homeopathic remedies, which can lessen the stress. Another common practice during stressful times is to feed your pet less food, therefore, giving his system less work while his level of awareness is heightened. The amount of treats you’ll be rewarding him for being so good sometimes can add up to a meals worth of food, so let’s not overfeed. Dog tricks are great but after 63 times of the same trick I think your pets’ stomach may be a bit sore. We don’t want to wake up to any special surprises around the house the next morning, right? If you’re not familiar with other food that may cause some upset bellies or even be toxic to your pet here’s a quick list;
- Alcoholic beverages
- Apple seeds
- Apricot pits
- Avocados
- Cherry pits
- Candy (particularly chocolate—which is toxic to dogs, cats, and ferrets—and any candy containing the sweetener Xylitol)
- Coffee (grounds, beans, and chocolate-covered espresso beans)
- Grapes
- Hops (used in home beer brewing)
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy foods
- Mushroom plants
- Mustard seeds
- Onions and onion powder
- Peach pits
- Potato leaves and stems (green parts)
- Raisins
- Rhubarb leaves
- Salt
- Tea (because it contains caffeine)
- Tomato leaves and stems (green parts)
- Walnuts
- Xylitol
- Yeast dough.
A quick Google search can provide you with many sources of these type of lists, so you can print one out and post on the refrigerator door for all to see. You can even put skull and crossbones next to the candy dish to deter anyone from eating it, but that’s a bit much. Just be sure that the little tikes visiting know the differences between people treats and doggie treats and all can be sure to have a great stay and enjoy the time with friends, family, and our loved four legged family members.