an image of a pet supplement called expel

Expel: Herbal Formula to Expel Parasites & Worms

Regular price $ 29.00
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Treats the Western Diagnosis of Worms & Parasites for dogs and cats. This formula will help dislodge and expel parasites of any type. It relieves pain due to bloating of the abdomen. It is much less toxic than anti-parasitic drugs while providing long-lasting effectiveness against re-infestation. Average course of treatment is 3 weeks then test to be sure all worms are gone. Another 2 week cycle may be needed.

Ingredients: Lei Wan, Mume, Areca Seed, Dang  Shen, WuMei, Ginger, Torreya Seed, Licorice Atractylodes, & Radish Seed

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