Testimonials Cats

Sharon Tarkington West Sacramento, CA

My eight pets (six cats, two dogs) have been eating Viand food for about a year. They eat a raw food diet in the A.M. and Viand in the P.M. My 15-year-old cat (Sweetie) had kidney problems, was losing weight and vomiting every day. After starting the raw meat and Viand diet, she put on weight, stopped vomiting and her kidney problems seemed to disappear within only a few days. She acts like a kitten again—healthy and happy. We also use the Unleash and Para-Yeast for all the animals. They are all fat and happy. All of you folks at Viand are the greatest. Everyone is always there to help. My pets and I THANK YOU.

Jan Crytzer Natrona Heights, PA

Callie Jean Crytzer, a traditional Siamese cat, on a new chair we had just bought. I was ready to feed her and she was meowing for Viand, which she has been fed for her whole life. She was purchased from Applecat Acres, (owner Jude Heberlig), in Newville, Pa. She was born on Aug. 24, 1996 and has always eaten Viand.

Tracy Moon San Francisco, CA

I spent a lot of time working with my holistic veterinarian and nutrition counselor trying to find a dry food to supplement the raw meat diet I feed my two cats and two dogs, and we determined Viand to be the only one that met our strict standards that the animals really liked! Although I believe that a raw diet is still the best main source of nutrition and moisture for my animals, as an adjunct food source Viand gives them the “crunch” they crave and is a great “treat” alternative. My cats, Bob and Cosmo, are three year old Abyssinian brothers, and my dogs, Cowboy – a two year old Jack Russell/Australian Shepard mix and Trowser, a 1 year old Jack Russell/Pit Bull mix – all love Viand and get excited whenever they see me open the big white bag! Thanks Viand for making the next best thing to an all natural raw diet – truly man’s best friend’s best friend!

Sincerely, Jeanne Lee Mauasian Dynasty Cattery 98 Woodland Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 (201) 804-2539

As you know, I breed Bengal cats and have been using Viand for over 6 years. During that time, I have seen some remarkable things. To begin with, several of my cats have had F.U.S. Two of my females and one of my males had been having constant problems with F.U.S. and exhibited bloody urine. Since using Viand, we have not had one reoccurrence. The Bengals have always had beautiful coats, but they are now lusher than they have ever been. Occasionally, I have taken in shelter cats whose coats are a clear indication of malnutrition. I restore them to such condition with the Viand that they are unrecognizable as being the same cats that first came to me. I work in a veterinary hospital and see many cats with many diverse problems. Some have chronic bowel problems, others renal problems, and still others display symptoms of classic allergies. Once these cats are switched to the Viand at least 90% of the conditions disappear. Thanks for a great product.

Alison Kruk and Elton! Fairfax Station VA

I am one of those people who turned to holistic remedies, specifically diet, as a last resort rather than a first resort. It was more by default than design, but nevertheless, another case that Viand gets wherein the patient is already wracked by treatments. My cat Elton was 10 years old when he developed FUS and was hospitalized for a week. The catheterization precipitated a severe bladder infection, and he was on heavy doses of antibiotics. The only antibiotics that produced the intended results left him with a serious case of vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I had several invasive tests performed to rule out cancer and other causes of his digestive distress, but there was no new diagnosis. The vet put him on anti-nausea medication, which made him vomit more. He was sicker with each treatment and medication. I was frantic due to his continued illness, weight loss, and dehydration. I realized that I was killing my cat with traditional treatments. I contacted a Telepathic Communicator, a Tellington-Touch Practitioner and Viand. He underwent the Telepathic session and the Tellington Touch Session, and we made the recommended dietary changes recommended. Within days, Elton improved; he was eating, not vomiting, and his digestion returned to normal. He regained the weight he had lost, his coat and eyes shone brightly once again, and his behavior was playful and joyous once again. What is more, he has not had a recurrence of these illnesses since. I have maintained Elton’s diet and supplements, and I am increasingly turning to holistic remedies and strategies for illness prevention and for building solid health. I am now one of those people who will try the holistic natural remedies as a first resort, not a last resort! I am convinced that the more I do this, the less likely I will ever need to pursue emergency treatment for chronic illnesses that burst through the surface “all at once” after festering for years below the surface. Thank you for all your wonderful advice, your effective and healthy products, and for so generously sharing information gained through research. I am so happy to learn what I can do to make my pet live a healthier, longer life. You have a loyal customer for life! All our best regards,

Alison Kruk and Elton! Fairfax Station VA

I am one of those people who turned to holistic remedies, specifically diet, as a last resort rather than a first resort. It was more by default than design, but nevertheless, another case that Viand gets wherein the patient is already wracked by treatments. My cat Elton was 10 years old when he developed FUS and was hospitalized for a week. The catheterization precipitated a severe bladder infection, and he was on heavy doses of antibiotics. The only antibiotics that produced the intended results left him with a serious case of vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I had several invasive tests performed to rule out cancer and other causes of his digestive distress, but there was no new diagnosis. The vet put him on anti-nausea medication, which made him vomit more. He was sicker with each treatment and medication. I was frantic due to his continued illness, weight loss, and dehydration. I realized that I was killing my cat with traditional treatments. I contacted a Telepathic Communicator, a Tellington-Touch Practitioner and Viand. He underwent the Telepathic session and the Tellington Touch Session, and we made the recommended dietary changes recommended. Within days, Elton improved; he was eating, not vomiting, and his digestion returned to normal. He regained the weight he had lost, his coat and eyes shone brightly once again, and his behavior was playful and joyous once again. What is more, he has not had a recurrence of these illnesses since. I have maintained Elton’s diet and supplements, and I am increasingly turning to holistic remedies and strategies for illness prevention and for building solid health. I am now one of those people who will try the holistic natural remedies as a first resort, not a last resort! I am convinced that the more I do this, the less likely I will ever need to pursue emergency treatment for chronic illnesses that burst through the surface “all at once” after festering for years below the surface. Thank you for all your wonderful advice, your effective and healthy products, and for so generously sharing information gained through research. I am so happy to learn what I can do to make my pet live a healthier, longer life. You have a loyal customer for life! All our best regards,

Susan E. Weeks Lebanon, NH

I first became familiar with your canine products when I brought my chocolate lab, Charlie, for a consultation and an obedience class with April Frost. That was back in 1998 and Charlie was no puppy! She was then 7 years old and was the oldest “student” in the class. Charlie acted nervous and was sometimes unfriendly around people, which certainly was not your typical Labrador retriever behavior. She also had allergies which just got worse as she grew older. I took Charlie to see April primarily to work with her on the behavioral side but April was able to help me even further. April first recommended that I change Charlie to a natural diet, which included Viand Canine Growth and Maintenance, I started her on it right away and was amazed at the results. Although it took a few months, I noticed a dramatic difference in her allergy problems (they disappeared!) and her behavior become calmer and less aggressive. After seeing these initial improvements, I was hooked in changing her quality of life for good! No more vaccinations, no more steroids and no more allergy pills; only healthy, organic foods and homeopathic or herbal remedies if an ailment occurred. Charlie is and continues to be happy and healthy, she has the usual aches and pains that affect all dogs as they enter middle age. For instance, sometimes she has an occasional problem digesting her food properly, but Unleash powder works wonders in this area. All in all, I feel confident that I, as her caregiver, am doing the very best I can to maintain a high quality of life for Charlie and feeding her Viand every day is a big part of keeping her healthy and fit. P.S. My cat, Buddy, is 14 years old and also on Viand products. And, I have suggested it to my friend whose cat had cancer and needed radiation and chemotherapy. Her cat is recovering well and putting back on the weight that he lost during the treatments.

Laurie, Beau and Josie Camp (person, dog, cat, respectively) Rutland, Vermont

Thought I would send you a testimonial. My animals love your food, and I feel great about giving them your product. When I did some research on what goes into "premium" animal foods, I was horrified. It seems criminal! I have been telling people who I know would be interested and sending them your way! My mother is now feeding her cat the feline food. I am attaching a photo of my collie pup, Beau, showing his appreciation of your product! He is a 12 week old sable rough coated collie. I also included one of the cat, Josie (aka Monster). I also appreciate your friendly staff, and the quick response to getting the food delivered! We are customers for life!